Why are Democrats still sticking with Joe Biden when they should choose somebody else? Are they ever going to replace him? What are they thinking?


Its bad enough when your own justice Department throws you under the bus and essentially decrees in a sanitized version that you’re too incompetent to stand trial.

Its even worse when you try to defend yourself, but only end up proving their point.

Nevermind the fact of just being a guy who’s already deeply unpopular and losing key support groups.

Anyway, its been on my mind for quite some time.

Why the hell are the Democrats sticking with Biden?

I’m trying to understand it, but I just can’t. I’ve gotten headaches trying to understand it.

The DNC could’ve actually held debates and tried to replace him with somebody more qualified.

Instead they’re firmly behind him.

And so are the Democrat voters.

Biden’s got like 90+% in every primary he’s competed in.

Even as a write-in, Democrat voters still turned up for him.

So why aren’t the Democrats seeing the writing on the wall?

Aside from a select few liberal commentators in the media, hardly any of them seem to have caught on.

Why aren’t they trying to have him step aside so that they can replace him with somebody else?

Will they ever dump him?

What would it take for them to dump him?

Why didn’t Democrat voters just choose Dean Phillips instead?

They could’ve actually chosen a guy who could beat Trump in a general election (since that’s what they care most about)

But instead, they’re running with this train wreck of a man, who’s even more unpopular than the guy that they’re competing against?

Make it make sense.

Anyway, of all the talk about “Democrats are going to replace Biden” it all seems to come from Republicans.

I seriously don’t know if they ever will though.

For whatever reason, Biden has no interest in stepping down and even insists “I’m the most qualified person to lead this country”.

That being said though, I have two key questions.

1) Why are Democrat voters turning out for Joe Biden?

2) How are they this incompetent?

3) Why not pick somebody else?

Why are Democrats still sticking with Joe Biden when they should choose somebody else? Are they ever going to replace him? What are they thinking?
11 Opinion