Did you watch the Vladimir Putin interview with Tucker Carlson? If so, what did you think?


From my view, this interview was one of the most interesting things in the news cycle. The first interview with the President of Russia since the war commenced? I have only heard one side of this story from western journalists (political commentators, more accurately, as there are few real journalists anymore). It demanded to be watched, regardless of one's politics. Most people in the world have been affected by Russia's invasion of Ukraine / America's proxy war with Russia via supplying billions of dollars and munitions to Ukraine. If you do not have serious concerns of escalation and global war, considering this conflict is really between two nuclear powers, you have most likely been effected by the economic consequences. The interview did not go how I was expecting. It was very strange. If I took anything away — from the first 30 minutes alone, with Putin waxing poetic about the history of Russia back to the 9th century — it showed the stark contrast between him and our leaders in the west who should be dementia patients in an elderly home, not running a country.

Did you watch the Vladimir Putin interview with Tucker Carlson? If so, what did you think?
4 Opinion