Is modern day feminism make life worse for us women?

Is modern feminism anti-feminine?
Is modern feminism anti-feminine?

Not long ago, I believed strongly that having a career and being "strong", independent and self-reliant was what was best for me and other young women going forward. I was taught that sexual "liberation" (read promiscuous behavior) was what made our lives better and that being a mom was equivalent to chattle slavery.

I was also encouraged to focus entirely on career and avoiding starting a family through strong hormonal birth control. Not only do these drugs stop pregnancy, they change your psychology and behavior, altering the way you form attachments in sexual relationships.

Eventually, through some life changing events, an epiphany, dumb luck and getting a case of baby fever, I decided to come off hormonal birth control, which further reduced my willingness to partake in riskier casual relationships.

Either by grace or coincidence, I happened to meet my future husband during this window of opportunity and instantly became smitten with him. After a few weeks, we were into a heavy physical relationship and unburdened by hormonal birth control, I developed an intense bond that I had never experienced before.

All I could think about was our future and the prospect of children. After a few months, he proposed and we married after a short engagement.

I was actually about a month pregnant at our wedding, although I didn't know it yet. Since, we've had a second daughter and we are expecting are first son in April.

As I look back, I can't believe I ever wanted anything else than to have a family to raise and nuture. Even though I have an advanced degree, the joy I experienced breast feeding my daughters or feeling my son kick through my abdomen makes all that seem silly by comparison. The devotion to my kids and husband bring me more joy than sitting in any bland office making someone else's dreams come true.

Has modern feminism devalued feminine roles, putting value only in (typically male) career advancement and promiscuity?

Is modern day feminism make life worse for us women?
30 Opinion