Did Trump do wrong getting an NDA with Marla Maples?


He had her sign an NDA... one wonders if she was paid undo monies to keep quiet. That be like... paying her off to keep quiet, no? Who knows what she knows. Shouldn't we be investigating this potential travesty of justice... we need to know what Marla knows so we can make a sound decision. Paying her off and hiding behind an NDA... smells bad.

It's rumored she was cheating on him, but we don't have the facts do we?



Where are all the investigative journalists on GAG? Isn't this important information to your life so you can make a sound decision?

Look at this photo, what do you see?
Look at this photo, what do you see?

Men... never go for your secretary... lots of risk. Women, stop baiting rich guys... grow up... and cover up for that matter.

For that matter... think of all the NDA's signed by corporations and doing "deals"... and then there's monies exchanged. WTF? God only knows what kind of shenanigans are going on and being kept quit. I know for a fact someone committed suicide at the company I worked for and it was covered up... payoffs! What authority do we report such possible criminal activities and payoffs to, since it's clear out govt is about rightful justice?

Note: Post contains lots of truth but as well... scarcasm. Author claims no responsibility for how you interpret it.

Yes, he's hiding more evidence... release her from the NDA so we can get all the drama
Ugh, Beavis, uhhh uhh, you ditwad
I smell a rat, or maybe that's last nights tuna?
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Did Trump do wrong getting an NDA with Marla Maples?
6 Opinion