Would you all like to feel like a celebrity in places like China or India to get your picture taken and meeting folks there asking where you’re from?

If you’re a foreigner in China and travel there, you’ll feel like a celebrity.

When you come to China, I heard and saw people will stare at you and want pictures with you being because you’re a rarity that people in china or India haven’t seen before.

Would you all like to feel like a celebrity in places like China or India to get your picture taken and meeting folks there asking where you’re from?
Would you all like to feel like a celebrity in places like China or India to get your picture taken and meeting folks there asking where you’re from?
Would you all like to feel like a celebrity in places like China or India to get your picture taken and meeting folks there asking where you’re from?

In both China and India, foreigners may be treated like celebrities due to the novelty and cultural fascination of encountering people who visibly come from globally influential yet distant Western societies that many locals have limited direct exposure and interaction with.

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Would you all like to feel like a celebrity in places like China or India to get your picture taken and meeting folks there asking where you’re from?
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