I'm starting to hate women...Am I irrational?

Women are SO ridiculously prudent when it comes to sex. Either women are extremely talented and can play coy about the dislike for it 23 hours out the day, or they truly don't enjoy it. I'm beginning to think women only do it (Subconsciously) for mere replication and to keep their boyfriend (Because without it we'd leave you). I even see tons of men on here being flirty, but close to ZERO women, even when they're anonymous. Sure, there's social pressure about being dubbed a "whore." But why is it that even when you're anonymous you're so damn uptight and rigid? No excuses.

Also, the whole deal that women are the prize and are the ones to be pursued. Are you f***ing kidding me? Men spend FAR more time developing talents/skills, having actual hobbies, attain higher paying jobs and are statistically FAR more likely to have careers of high power and respect. But women should be the one being pursued? Because...Well...That's the way it always worked!

Real logical.

Don't even get me started on how selfish women are. Women are so bad, not even WOMEN like other women.

"On one issue at least, men and women agree; they both distrust women."

I'm starting to hate women...Am I irrational?
Post Opinion