Why I Am Against Fat Acceptance

First off, no I don't hate fat people. A summary: I hate it cause it spreads lies, and its toxic. Well second of all. we all know you...
33 53

Democrats Are Losing The Youth Vote As Gen Z Is Voting Republican

As if the news for Democrats isn't bad enough -- the loss of all 5 in a row of the critical national elections after the loss of the...
3 16

Age doesn't Equal Maturity: A Rant.

Ever since I could remember, I have always felt a little bit more advanced than children my age. I have always felt a step ahead. I...
16 23

Please read!!! Do your bit "PICK UP PLEA"

I love where I live in a valley with only 3 neighbours we can't even see, its beautiful and clean. Recently I went down to the old river...
3 6

False Stereotypes about African Americans

Introduction; First let me say i will be going anonymous, not because i am ashamed of my skin, but because i do not appreciate racist...
8 27

I think marijuana should be legalized for so many reasons. The health aspects of it alone, what it can do for different illnesses from minor to severe

The pros out way the cons entirely when it comes to this plant. It's still being used in more and more research as time goes by and...
0 3

My views on the tragic event of Japanese-American internment and trivia

The Japanese-American internment is a very tragic and controversial event that is still ingrained in the minds of those who lived...
2 14

Why do white people steal from other cultures?

Since you are all dying to see what I look like. I'm not black like you all thought. I'm a 19 year old Latina !
24 37

How to join Illuminati in Pakistan?

hey guys i have many friends who want to know how to join Illuminati society being a Pakistani?

Why didn't convicted try to escape during a execution?

I've seen a lot of medieval movies and other movies from the past which I finds quite interesting. I've always been a fan of history....

Are girls stronger than guys?

If boys has testicles and girls not, doesn't that mean that we boys are weak sex because a girl can easily destroy a boy by the balls...

Do you believe a new born baby sex/gender should be marked unknown on their health card until they are old enough to decide for themselves?

An eight-month-old baby in Canada is possibly the first person in the world to have their gender marked as ‘unknown’ on their health...
19 26

Will my kid be bullied for having curly, 4C hair?

So as a kid I grew up with being told that white people have good hair and black peoples have bad hair. Both of my parents always...
17 7

Society views men as innate monsters as women pushed by environment to be monsters. Agree?

Kiwi child killer struggling under the shadow of her crimes You might never guess Rebecca Papalii's background - but she's happy to...
1 1

Does gynocentrism harm men?

For anyone not knowing what gynocentrism means: Gynocentrism refers to a dominant or exclusive focus on women in theory or practice; or...
3 6

Does having a low GPA in high school ruin your life?

Okay, my GPA is 2.1. Meaning it's a C average. when I tell people about my GPA in high school most of them all say that I'm going...
4 10

Why are the Kardashians so obsessed with having mixed kids? Also which one is the cutest?

Kourtney and Scott's kids Penelope Kim and Kanye's baby girl and boy -North West & Saint Saint West Rob and Chyna's baby Dream...
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Do you want an LGBT future?

This is what our future holds with LGBT Is this what you want? Will this make you happy?
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