Top 5 Catfishes You Should Be Aware Of

Top 5 Catfishes You Should Be Aware Of

Successful Rich Guy

ask them a few questions they should know about their career, success lifestyle or whatever and if they get it wrong, they are catfish. that guy wants to escape his reality and he thinks that pretending to be rich and successful will get him more girls off the internet.

Desperate Hot Guy

desperate hot guys barely exist, especially on the internet. i don't even think average guys are that desperate on the internet. if you have common sense then you should know its just ugly guys who are that desperate and would probably use a hot guy's pictures to get responses from girls. if the desperate hot guy is real then he's either desperate to cheat on his partner or he's a pedophile that's desperate for underage children. so take that as a big red flag.

Hypersexual Hot Girl

if you know hot guys aren't desperate then you should know that hot girls are definitely not desperate either. that "girl" is obviously just a gay guy trying to get dick pics and sexual responses from men. most women, no matter how ugly or pretty, don't usually embarrass themselves like that on the internet. you should also know that a real hypersexual woman isn't there to turn you on with her answers. she just answers the questions without giving too much detail and emotion.

Forward Lesbian

i dont think any homosexual would be so forward about their homosexuality. that's obviously just a straight guy pretending to be a lesbian and write imaginative stuff to turn himself on cause i'm pretty sure lesbians understand that women, including themselves, dont like to be objectified like that.

The Not So Obvious Catfish

there are catfishes who try not to make it so obvious that they're catfish. they will use an average or ugly person's pictures in order to not arouse anyone's suspicions. but if you pay attention then you can sometimes catch them saying absurd or out-of-line things that just don't add up.

sometimes i just want to ask them...

if you are going to act up like that, be overly sexual, or say all this bullshit that doesn't add up, then why the hell would you even put a picture of yourself on here? like are you trying to persuade people that you're real or are you getting back at the person in the picture or both? everyone isn't that stupid

Top 5 Catfishes You Should Be Aware Of
4 Opinion