The role that women play in the technology is very strong

    • Most of the women take charge in technologic companies cause of spread of working field and specializing in technology.Because there isn't any time or place pressure on specializing and working on tecchnology.Also the number of attempting women in technologic fields can't be usderestimated.
The role that women play in the technology is very strong
    • The distribution rate of the employees in technologic companies in 2019 according to their gender :
The role that women play in the technology is very strong
    • On the other hand the women role in technologic companies and especially e commerce segments is very high in Turkey.
    • Women are seriously good models to the other women, young people and children with their contributions to decision mechanism and entrepreneurships
    • I dont think that a technologic company without a women employee would be successful.Regarding Technologic devices and applications that we use, all of them have a common point; "BEST USER EXPERÄ°ENCE" In order to provide that, Woman and man need to find the right result by testing on observations Because only functionality is not enough in tecnologic production At the same time,It is need to be known that ease of use, woman, man and different age groups' user habits.
    • After Covid-19 pandemic, The number of the female entrepreneur will increase. Especially the Pandemic effected business world negatively.In this Process, The bazaars that has occured in e commerce and different fields stired the minor female entrepreneurs. It is possible to see new female enrepreneur in each working segments with the educations that are provided by major markets and non-governmental organisations.
The role that women play in the technology is very strong
    • Consequently, Regarding to Statistics and recent development, We can say that male and female employee rate in technological segments is close to each other.
The role that women play in the technology is very strong
2 Opinion