This is how the Internet gets used? What do we know from "Shalom"?

True Shalom has been expressed to this goy as being the fulfillment of harmony through each incorporated individual being engaged in living out one's own created role to play in the joint purpose of the whole of creation (that being the going about of expressing the heart of our Creator, together, as one).

So this question now is--at this moment--Does the current activity with all of us on this Internet, really contribute to this, set some 1,997 years ago, standard described historically immediately below, of the ideal demonstration of the Shalom prophesied throughout the history of the Hebrew people?

"Now the velt (community) of the ones having had emunah [ belief as trusted basis for living ] were achdut [ in solidarity, unity, and harmony ] in lev (heart) and nefesh (soul), and not one was saying that any of the possessions belonging to him was his own, but everything to them was in common."

The current-day organization going by "Twelve Tribes Commonwealth of Israel" describes it:

". . . everyone was included and fully active in joint participation, joint communication, distribution, and contribution to the social life and needs of the community. All they had and all they were was shared in common to meet the pressing needs of their [ spiritual ] brothers and sisters."

So now, is our current Internet use seeking to bring about this true Shalom, so that this can-be reality can spread to the ends of the Earth:

"And the wolf shall live with the lamb; and the leopard shall lie with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little boy shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall feed, their young shall lie together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. And the infant shall play on the hole of the asp; yea, the weaned child shall put his hand on the viper's den. They shall not do evil, nor destroy in all My holy mountain. For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of [ YeHoVaH ], as the waters cover the sea."

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Quotes, in order of occurance are from:

"The Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha," Acts 4:32.

"The Purpose of Creation and Redemption," p.8. [ old dot twelvetribes dot org ].

"Green's Literal Translation" [ Holy Bible ], Isaiah 11:6-9.
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The Metta Sutra hits on it nicely, as well!

[ teachingsofthebuddha dot com slash metta underscore sutra dot htm ]

It is expected in the heart of creation as a whole, it seems. . .
This is how the Internet gets used? What do we know from "Shalom"?
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