Who are some of the weirdest people you've ever seen/met on the Internet?

I think for me it has to be the ones who read everything but never comment. I saw some girl on a YouTube video awhile ago who commented on it saying she NEVER comments on videos but had to that time lol. I went out with a girl once who told me the exact same thing too. She watched lots of videos and read lots of comments yet she proactively chose NOT to ever do it herself. Like wtf? lol. It's as if these people are scared of being found or whatever.

Who are some of the weirdest people youve ever seen/met on the Internet?
People who read everything but never comment
The sex deviants
Blockers you've never spoken to
Users with no profile pic and nothing on their pages
Other (let us know!👇🏾)
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Who are some of the weirdest people you've ever seen/met on the Internet?
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