What is this anxiety thing?


Apperantly these days if you have any weird physical symptoms , a little shy or something BOOM!!! you have anxiety , seriosuly people we're humans that shit is bound to happen sooner or later , most of us dont like huge crowds, standing on stage infront of lots of people, walking to a girl to ask her out , these are things that would make us think twice before doing them and that's cool we're human beings with emotions , a lot of people are like that, in fact the majority are and the few ones that do all this with ease , they are the exception not the ones who are afraid to do it in the first place , its called being human, and thinking its not anxiety , stop calling everything anxiety every website i go to and every profile i read on her uses the word anxiety at least once , seriously grow up and start acting like adults and taking responsibilities and stop blaming it on anxieties , i understand that some people ( very very few ) do have anxieties that make it really hard for them to do something but its just unrealstic that 80% of young people these days ( iam 20 myself ) have anxiety and the bad kind , i've never believed in anxity or anything like that even when i got physical symptoms and my doctor tried to convince me , i just didn't because iam me i know me more than anyone else and while i get stressed or feel bad sometimes i have nothing wrong with me mentally and neither do you.

So toughen up and stop acting like little girls ( who are more brave than you by the way ) stop making anxiety an excuse for others to feel sorry for you or an excuse for you of why you can't do something , this is the stupidiest and most immature reason i've ever heard , seriously are we in kindergarten and everyone is jealous and wants to have anaxiety too?

Just act normal for once , why do all that?
What is this anxiety thing?
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