Could this be a mild form of social anxiety?

I think I might have mild social anxiety but I'm not sure because it seems to affect me in very random ways. Although I tend to be on the quieter side, if I'm involved with or in a conversation with someone I usually don't find it too hard to speak up and talk, however I have a very strong fear and almost inability of approaching and striking up a conversation with someone I don't know. I can public speak fairly well, my hands and voice shakes a little involuntarly but I personally feel comfident and decently comfortable speaking in front of a decently large group. The things that really make me wonder if I might have mild socail anxiety are small but very odd things I do. For example: If I have to throw something out or sharpen a pencil etc. in a class I usually inconviencience myself by holding on to trash or writing with an unsharp pencil etc. just because the idea of having to get up and direct attention towards myself from the entire class uneases me too much. I also won't return items to a store or take time to pull change out of my wallet because I'm scared I'll anger the cashier/people in line behind me so I keep items I'll never use and pay only with dollars. I also have missed important homework assignments because I didn't hear the teacher say it the first time and I'm scared if I ask to repeat it they will get angry. In general I'm also really self consious around total strangers, and when I'm around very outgoing friends it gives me EXTREME emotional distress if they start directing attention towards us/ act rude/ are being very loud or generally doing something I think will direct attention or make complete strangers not like us even though I shouldn't care. Things like this genuinley inconvienience me but I can't seem to bring myself to stop acting like this and I feel like my other friends don't experience these same worries. I feel ignorant calling it socail anxiety because I know other people have it much worse but I dont know what else to call it.
Could this be a mild form of social anxiety?
2 Opinion