Donald Trump is Not President of the United States!


He's not president just yet and I'm not talking about his inauguration in January. I'm talking about something much greater.

Donald Trump is Not President of the United States!

He lost the popular vote but still managed to grasp the mere essence of a title called president. "Okay!" But look what has happened across the states: "People are publicly denouncing this man as their president!" We have to stop and ask, why is that? There's always been a dissent with the president elect, but something is different this time.

I move your attention to the years worth of demographic damage that Trump campaign created. He not only generalized and stereotyped certain characteristics to physical form of human life, but he also revived racial tensions in this country. Now there has been some talk about Trump swaying in a more liberal direction when he enters office but a serious apology, and an explanation, are owed to the people of the United States.

Donald Trump is Not President of the United States!

As long as Donald Trump does not right his wrongs, there is no "United States". Well there will be a United States, just not a unified one. At current state this nation is not united. The structure of this nation is beginning to shake, we were the most advanced nation state. Can we stay this way if he doesn't seek to unify this nation to a better state , or restore to its previous state?

Donald Trump is Not President of the United States!
Donald Trump is Not President of the United States!
24 Opinion