
Life in Coronavirus North Carolina: It's like a Snowstorm or hurricane without the weather


Yesterday Governor Roy Cooper ordered the shutdown of all K-12 schools and banned all gatherings of 100+ people( except parks, stores, resturaunts for the time being) in North Carolina. Over the last couple days the resturaunt I work at which is usually crowded on Friday, Saturday amd and Sunday is dead pretty much. The roads are not as congested with traffic. Walmart, Publix, Harris Teeter, and other major grocers are closing stores over night for the next while.

Life in Coronavirus North Carolina: Its like a Snowstorm or hurricane without the weather

The picture above was at my local Sam's Club today.

Life in Coronavirus North Carolina: Its like a Snowstorm or hurricane without the weather

All the bottled water except Dasani was grabbed up.

Life in Coronavirus North Carolina: Its like a Snowstorm or hurricane without the weather

stores like Publix, Lowe's Foods, And Harris Teeter are replacing the salad bars with prepackaged salads. Some even going as far as having no deli or bakery counter services.

Themeparks like Carowinds, Dollywood, Kings Dominion, and Six Flags over Georgia are delaying openings.

Stores are quickly running out of not just water and paper goods but meat and canned foods too.

Gas prices are lower than $2.00 where in my town the lowest price is $1.92. But with the possible shutdown how much longer will this last?

Churches, synagogues, Mosques, other places of worship are closing down with the exception of smaller churches with less than 100 members.

All high school sports, concerts, plays etc.. Are cancelled.

We still have our stores, resturaunts, salons, pharmacies, and alcohol places open. But for how much longer?

One thing's for certain, many of the pleasures we in the first World have taken for granted are now quickly disappearing before our eyes for now.

For now there are 32 cases in NC with 0 deaths. The latest case just 30 miles from me.

All I can say is I hope this nightmare ends soon.

Life in Coronavirus North Carolina: It's like a Snowstorm or hurricane without the weather
16 Opinion