Pawn shop owner is arrested for shooting and killing a suspected looter in Minnesota, your thoughts?

A Minnesota pawn shop owner shot and killed a “suspected” looter. The reason he got arrested was because Minnesota doesn’t have a stand your ground law.

While the castle doctrine allows people to defend themselves, their families and their personal property when they are in their homes. The castle doctrine doesn’t allow people to defend their businesses.
He shouldn’t have been arrested, the castle doctrine law should be updated to include defense of businesses
I support his right to personal defense but he should have known that his state doesn’t have a stand your ground law
I support his right to personal defense but I think he should have used non lethal force
I think the pawn shop owner should have only used force if he or someone else was in danger
Since the articles say he was only a “suspected” looter, that makes it seem that the pawnshop owner crossed the line.
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Some store owners are starting to defend their stores elsewhere
Pawn shop owner is arrested for shooting and killing a suspected looter in Minnesota, your thoughts?
26 Opinion