So what do you think of the murders at the Waukesha Christmas Parade? Will the Black Man Brooks who drove the vehicle be demonized like Rittenhouse?

A black thug on bail commits murder
A black thug on bail commits murder
Darrell Brooks Thug Rapper Wannabe
Darrell Brooks Thug Rapper Wannabe
Online court records showed a person named Darrell Brooks, with a birthdate making him 39, has two open criminal cases in Milwaukee County. In one case, filed Nov. 5, he is charged with resisting or obstructing an officer, reckless homicide, disorderly conduct, bail jumping and battery. Records show $1,000 bond was posted on Friday.

In the other case, filed in July 2020, Brooks is charged with reckless endangering and illegal possession of a firearm.

Will the media tar and feather this guy like it did Kyle Rittenhouse?
He is a black man. The media won't mention his race or criminal background.
Darrell Brooks is innocent because he is a victim due to his blackness.
There will be riots if this scumbag is convicted of anything.
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+1 y
Someone in the comments made a good point!

If white people were killed in this attack should he not be charged white hate crimes?
So what do you think of the murders at the Waukesha Christmas Parade? Will the Black Man Brooks who drove the vehicle be demonized like Rittenhouse?
Post Opinion