Is one year prison a correct punishment for a rape crime?


what is your opinion about punishment to deter rape. is one year prison the correct punishment or too much? or not enough?

should the punishment be same for all criminal rape or maybe rape of a minor deserves greater punishment? if so rape of adult relatively less punishment?

should it be same for all or should punishment depend on consent that does not count in minors who cannot agree, legally, in contrast to coerced?

should the amount depend if victim young boy in contrast to young girl?

all horrible, so must punish, so how?

10 mo
I must be more careful with nuances, should punishment be same whether victim is minor age 17 or 7 whether victim male or female, same? or subjective distinctions?
10 mo
now that i have seen several responses i can reveal the system that i left. the quote is shocking, in ancient israel the punishment, if God forbid someone grabbed a single unmarried girl, the punishment for rape was, i hope you are sitting "pay her father 50 silver pieces" and the rapist must never "leave her" but be her husband source deuteronomy 22:29. when i contrast that to our society i have no words.
Is one year prison a correct punishment for a rape crime?
9 Opinion