The Wienermobile has been renamed the Frankmobile: Does the new name cut the mustard or do you frankly not relish it?

The Wienermobile has been renamed the Frankmobile: Does the new name cut the mustard or do you frankly not relish it?
PS: Guess which name came out top dog on this one and got the last bite? 😎
The new Frankmobile name cuts the mustard with me. 🌭 I like how it gets all up in these Wienermobile peoples' grill! 😈
Frankly I DO NOT relish the new name. I can't even say it. WIENERMOBILE FOREVER! It's a wiener! 👍 After all, we've all been hot dog fans since birth! 😮
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The Wienermobile has been renamed the Frankmobile: Does the new name cut the mustard or do you frankly not relish it?
9 Opinion