Have you changed your opinions about, or the side you support, regarding the Gaza conflict since it began?

Have you changed your opinions about, or the side you support, regarding the Gaza conflict since it began?

That's not worded very well, but you know what I mean. When it began my attitude was one of indifference, if only because I am neither an Arab nor a Jew, have no connections to the Near East (or Middle East) whatsoever, and thought, and still do think, that the whole conflict is just incredibly stupid and pointless.

Whereas before I could easily ignore what was going on over there, and didn't really care, now I'm not sure I can. To any impartial observer, one without any connections to those involved in the conflict, it's easy to see that one side is clearly intent on exterminating the other.

Have you changed your opinions about, or the side you support, regarding the Gaza conflict since it began?
41 Opinion