Economic Growth Rate Fell By 74% Since Biden Took Office And US Fertility Rate Fell To The Lowest Ever Recorded. When will Americans finally wake up?


When Biden took office he inherited a 6.3% GDP growth rate from President Trump. The new economic growth rate number just came out and it is an anemic 1.6%, far below expectations and a 75% decline from what it was when Biden walked into the White House. This is particularly alarming in light of this president's record debt and deficit spending and does not bode well for the standard of living in American's future.

Further bad news for the US economy is the fertility rate. Economists know that there is a strong correlation between the fertility rate and consumers' outlook for the economy, because people refrain from having children if they don't feel their financial future will be secure enough to support them.

In 2023 the US fertility rate fell to the lowest ever recorded, an alarming low 1.62 children per woman down still further from the 2022 already dangerously low number.

Demographics is destiny and not only is this a dire indication for the future of the US economy, but for the future of the entire country. It is a demographic that makes "Climate Change" look like a day on a lounge chair at the beach sipping Pina Coladas.

Americans need to wake up. They need to shake off this woke WMD attack from the left and demand leadership that roots out government corruption, waste, fraud and abuse, cuts the out-of-control reckless spending and starts acting fiscally responsible with taxpayers' money before it is too late.

Those "experts" who are waving off the fact that we have the longest inverted yield curve in our history are whistling past the graveyard. There is a message here and Americans need to wake up and do something about it fast.

Wake up Americans! Start voting for SANITY!

Economic growth rate falls off the charts:

Economic Growth Rate Fell By 74% Since Biden Took Office And US Fertility Rate Fell To The Lowest Ever Recorded. When will Americans finally wake up?

US fertility rate falls off the charts:

Economic Growth Rate Fell By 74% Since Biden Took Office And US Fertility Rate Fell To The Lowest Ever Recorded. When will Americans finally wake up?
Economic Growth Rate Fell By 74% Since Biden Took Office And US Fertility Rate Fell To The Lowest Ever Recorded. When will Americans finally wake up?
7 Opinion