Knowing the Love Gurus: Top Four Relationship Experts on YouTube

*In Cheesy and naughty tune* "So, how my boy's last night date went?" *In surprised voice* "Whether it is about conquering office...
1 2

The effects of smartphones and the sexual liberation movement

Okay, 2020 is probably going to dramatize this trend with Covid19 going on. But just 2008 - 2019 produces enough of a graph to infer the...
2 24

Girls: Dating 101: True Love Waits

This is going to be the first in a series of Dating 101 myTakes I will be doing. I will take one very common question, scenario, dilemma...
4 35

Romantic Ideas For Long Distance Relationships

This myTake was inspired by an anonymous question about original and romantic ideas to do when we are in a l ong-distance...
12 24

5 Awesome Male Relationship Consultants Men Should Definitely Listen To

As a female relationship consultant, I am willing to take on the right male clients that seek my advice, but there are some times when I...
4 29

How To Deal With ADHD As An Adult

I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 21 . You may have heard something about Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder . There...
9 28

How To Fight Abuse At Work

We are all aware of the possibility of sexual harassment at work ~ for both women and men . Few of us know or realize the existence...
6 30

Will you tell your partner if you get pregnant after break up?

Me and my boyfriend break up a few days ago because of misunderstanding. He break up with me thinking i cause him stress and he said i...

How much do you put up with from other people?

My girlfriend says I should learn to put up with more shit and have trash people in my life too. XD She thinks I'm too quick to distance...

Do you still read the Newspaper?

Everything I see on the paper makes me reply "None of my business" so I stopped ~44
12 28

Do you think men have more intuitive eating habits than women?

Intuitive eating is an adaptive and flexible form and it is about trusting your body to make food choices that feel good for you,...

Is there any open source AI voice generator I can use?

Please feel free to share other free AI tools like for making videos. I think these kind of tools help to lessen the wasted time when...

How much is a man worth?

My husband and I maxed out his life insurance policy, but no amount it gets up to makes me feel like it would ever be worth what he's...
7 15

Are men given bad/inadequate dating advice in their youth?

This question stems from a conversation I had yesterday with another user about the idea that nice guys finishing last stems often from...
6 17

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What do you eat before a workout?

I haven’t had a cheat meal in a while, wondering if I should or not..
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How do you differentiate between a nerd, geek, dork, etc?

When I asked the question yesterday about puzzles and shit, I was mainly looking for the Steve Urkel OR like Stiles from Teen Wolf OR...
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Guys, can you tell me what he's thinking?

last Friday, my friend started writing on my back, he said he was going to mark me (we're just friends) anyway, then today, he started...

Do interracial couples grab your attention when you see them?

Whenever I go out with my Korean friend, we get double takes, and sometimes staring etc. Some women have came up to us saying we look...
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