Why young girls should stop wasting their tears over guy

Why young girls should stop wasting their tears over guy?

Quite recently I had a friend come to me about a guy that she had broken up with. She was not only crying and upset that he had been flirting with other girls, but he was also hanging with her close friends now which made her extremely uncomfortable. Although I comforted her I could not see why she was so upset.

You see, most young guys or at least guys in highschool don't take breakups or relationships as serious as girls because they just want to experience different things. I have many guy friends that often let me see their text or even text for them and I know how they "hook" girls and how they play them. And what I have learned is that guys just want a girl who is going to pay them attention and have fun. They don't want a girl who is going to start drama in their life or make them unhappy.

During my sophomore year I met an amazing guy that helped me learn things about myself and the way I communicate with others. He also was a great friend when my mom was going through cancer treatment. He was honestly a soulmate and not in the since that I thought I would be with him forever but at that exact time we just clicked and as a result I took more things out of the relationship than I brought in. Although he is in a relationship with a beautiful girl and we do not talk I still truly believe he is an amazing person.

I guess my point is that everything including relationships happen for a reason. You may have a terrible relationship but at least you learned what you don't like inside a relationship. There is no reason to waste your tears when you can be discovering new things, playing sports, making friends, learning about yourself or anything that this world has to offer. There are more important things than worrying about guys and how to get and keep one. And if you ever find yourself crying over one please just remember this saying: " two tears in a bucket and f**k it".

P.S. That saying is so corny but it always helps me so try it. Also I would love to hear thoughts about girls and guys on this subject.

Why young girls should stop wasting their tears over guy
Post Opinion