Women: You SHOULD initiate

I guess this myTake will be a little shorter than usual, but that's because the topic I'm going to talk about is very simple and should be crystal clear.

Women: you SHOULD initiate.

So let me elaborate and paint a nice little picture for you. You're currently seeing/talking to a guy. This guy is being very nice to you, showing genuine signs of interest by keeping the conversation going, asking you questions, getting to know you, calling and texting you regularly. Maybe even flirting a little bit. Everything is fine and dandy until a few days of silence pass. You ask yourself, why is he doing this? Why would he suddenly stop talking to me? Don't fret. There's one simple question you can ask yourself first and foremost.

Have I actually done anything to show MY interest?

Here's the thing. Even if you help keep the conversation going and you ask him questions too, there's still one thing you can do to make it very obvious that you're just as interested in him, as he is interested in you. Initiate. It's such a simple little thing that many girls completely miss. Not only that, but for some reason a lot of girls EXPECT the guy to initiate all the time because, well, "it's a sign of interest and it shows me that he really cares". Exactly! So what makes you think you are excused for initiating back? What makes you think that he won't think you're disinterested when you refuse to start a normal conversation with him? No, it's not the guy's job to always initiate. You can't just sit on your ass 24/7 and expect him to put all the effort into keeping in touch with you while you don't have to do anything. If you don't want him to stop talking to you, then you've got to put the same amount of effort into it that he is. A few days of silence is his way of testing you. Testing you to see if you'll reach out. If you'll make the effort. If you'll show interest.

It's very tiresome to be the only one always initiating. Trust me, I've been in that position myself, and it's not nice. Slowly you'll start doubting how much the person actually likes you and cares about you. You'll start to wonder if they would even notice if you stopped talking to them altogether. You'll start to wonder if they would ever reach out to you. Even if they gladly reply to your messages, answer your calls and meet up when you ask them to, there will always be that lingering question. "Would they even notice or care if I stopped talking to them?"
Guys are not excused from feeling these things, too. Just because society expects them to be aggressive, bold, confident and always initiating, it doesn't mean they actually want to do it all the time. It doesn't mean that they don't want to feel wanted, or want to feel like you actually care.

So yes. If you're interested in the guy, you SHOULD initiate. There's not a single legitimate reason for you to not do it, especially if he has already initiated a conversation several times. It means that he wants to talk to you. Showing him that you also want to talk to him is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed over. Being open about your interest is a good thing. It's a way to avoid confusion. So please, don't hesitate or think he'll think you're weird. You get excited when he messages you, right? He'll feel that same excitement when you message him.

Women: you SHOULD initiate.

Women: You SHOULD initiate
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