The Girl I Will Not Date

The Girl I Will Not Date

This is pretty much a list of things I don't find attractive in a girl..

Being a semi country boy, I like a girl who will have a back bone and stick up for herself and throw the first punch while I'm finishing my beer. Another thing, I find it sexy when a girl drinks whiskey or beer, instead of vodka or whatever cocktail.

Anyway back to the point, here's MY list - If you disagree with anything troll away, I don't give four fifths of a flying Fuck


Number 1. The doormat

I cannot cannot cannot stand a girl that let's herself be walked all over by a guy or her friends, it just ruins a girl for me.

Number 2. The judge

Sure whatever floats your boat to make you feel good about yourself. But why put other girls down? Their makeup, their outfit, their body and anything else that you can think of.

Some girls for some reason think they're better than others because they're super skinny or curvy or have the right ass or the right boob's or something. I honestly don't know.

But it's just unattractive, because all I hear when a girl puts another girl down is "I'm insecure, give me compliments"

Which brings me to the next one.

Number 3. The not so modest but can't take a compliment girl.

OK I know that girls have their insecurities and a lot of you don't think you're attractive. But you want compliments don't you? Because most of the time a girl doesn't know how to take a fucking compliment no matter how sincere a guy is being. You just flat out deny it and almost get offended from a fucking compliment... Accept the thing or they will stop coming.

Number 4. The too modest girl.

Yes modesty is a must to an extent, BUT a girl needs to be comfortable with her sexuality and the fact that she has needs and being open and forwardly sexual is a massive rise in the points you get from me.

Number 5. A girl that doesn't appreciate music.

This will be the trigger for a lot of comments I think. But I'm talking about REAL music. None of that Lil Wayne - Bieber fucking - Miley shit or that other club shit, I'm talking about music with meaning by the people that actually wrote the songs and play them with instruments not a computer.. With the acception of aus hipHop of course.

This means country metal blues rock and everything in between.

Number 6. The girl that lives in high heels.

A minor thing maybe but this says one thing to me. "I'm not getting my hands dirty and that shovel isn't coming anywhere near me."

Odd statement? Maybe, but I'm an active physical guy. I like working hard and having a cold beer at the end of the day, and I like a girl that's not afraid of a little character building and those high heels won't do you any good in the mud.

Apart from that high heels, Fuck your feet up, and I'm a leg man. That in my opinion includes your feet. Yes the heels might make your ass look good and that's fantastic but don't wear them all the time especially every day.

A pair of leather boots is a lot sexier on a girl to me than high heels.

I should probably mention once again that this is my list about MY preferences and has nothing to do with anyone else.

Number 7. The introvert that refuses to go out.

I am an active person, I ride motorcycles, go kayaking, work like a sheep dog, and still have energy for the evening activities.

A girl who never wants to go out just won't cut it.

I want to go to the pub with my girl at my side knocking them down with me. I want to go for beach walks with the dog. I wanna take a girl with me on rides and go to the gym and the movie theater and to dinner.

Sure I enjoy a night in with my lady but being cooped up in the house isn't healthy and breathing the same air repeatedly isn't my thing.

The girl I will not date

I'm sick of typing so I'll continue this shit later.

The Girl I Will Not Date
Post Opinion