Anyone a non-smoker dating a person who 'vapes'?

My girlfriend and I have been together about four months now. She smoked for 2 years, but stopped about a year ago. Recently she has been hanging out wiht a new group, and when they go out they offer her cigerettes and she smokes more. To combat this, she started using her old vaperisor she used to quit initially. HOWEVER, it has turned into her basically being a smoker again. She now smokes on her own (occasionally).

I really hate smoking, and I would never want to impose that on her, but clearly Iw ould rather not break up over this... I also really hate the behavoir of 'I need a puff', she has even done it a few times at my place where mostly hang out, even though she knows I hate it and have requested her not to smoke in my presence or when she knows she will be seeing me, whcih she has had no problem with lately. I make her go out back and don't kiss her until she brushes her teeth. she says it is all just in my head, but even when I didn't know she is vaping, I could still tell.

My question is, can you taste it when you kiss them? or does it smell? Or is this all in my head and I need to get over it, either way my personal views of smoking are extremely negative so this is a deal breaker for me... hence my predicament of not wanting to impose myself on her (I am fairly sure she would def stop to stay together), but not want to breka up.
Anyone a non-smoker dating a person who 'vapes'?
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