Do you actually like kissing?

I have only kissed one guy, and while the relationship never went anywhere due to circumstancial problems we couldn't avoid, I still wondered how I could have felt that spark with him, but not while kissing him. I think it would have gone somewhere if not for the circumstances, but it just wasn't going to be possible.

But still, as much as I liked him, when we kissed it wasn't bad at all, it just wasn't like... wow. I'm curious if it gets better or if has to do with the person or what? Because people talk about kissing as though it feels really good and stuff and like... it was fine, but I felt more just from cuddling and stuff than from kissing. What have your experiences been with this? Is it certain people that give you that extra feeling? Or is it about practice and experience? Or am I just weird and don't think it's that great haha?
I always like kissing
I enjoy kissing the right person, but not everyone
I like kissing the more experience I have
I don't really like kissing - it's not bad, but it's not great
I don't like kissing at all
I've never kissed anyone and want to see the answers
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Do you actually like kissing?
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