When dating talkative girls, is it best to just "shut up" and listen?

I'm referring to outgoing personalities who aren't shy to speak their mind or make things happen. That's the type of girl I'm most attracted to(the opposite of passive aggressive), but at the same time I'm not sure about the best way to handle chatterboxes.

I was dating this one girl who was a real motor mouth (in a cute way, not in a selfish arrogant way) and I kept wondering if I should chime in or just keep nodding in approval. I'd force myself to add my two cents because I didn't want her to think she was talking to a brick wall. But it felt so awkward and didn't seem to help any.

In hindsight I think those dates could have been perfect if I just played a more passive role in those conversations and maybe peppered them with my usual quips for humor.

What's the best way to handle a girl who loves to talk?
When dating talkative girls, is it best to just "shut up" and listen?
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