I need advice about my father. I did something bad over two years ago and he won't leave it alone. Help?

I know asking it on here probably isn't the best idea but I just really need advice right now.

Two years (almost 3) when I was 15, I was dating an 18 year old. I didn't tell my father, who is a cop, because I knew he would be mad and make me stop seeing him. We rarely got to see each other. He lived 45 minutes away. Before, he would come visit me at home while my dad was at work but he got in an accident and he car was totaled. It had been months since we had since each other and I wanted to see him really bad. I told my dad that my friend was having a Halloween sleepover and I needed a ride. In actuality, I was going to have my dad take me to my bf's house and I was going to spend the night. I was going to have my dad drop me off and pick me up the next day, with him thinking I was at a girlfriends house. (Stupid, I know. I was 15 and my boyfriend was manipulative. He had problems with depression and he said if he didn't see me, he would kill himself.) So we got to the house. Long story short, my dad found out before I even got in the house. He was screaming at me and my bf's mom was screaming at me while my boyfriend was hiding in his room.

He forced me in the car and we went home. He was yelling the whole way home. Telling me that my boyfriend was just using me and that he would get me pregnant and break up with me.

It took me a whole year and a half just for him to let me out of the house for something other than school. Today I got an invitation for my friends little sisters party. I told my dad about it and I said I needed a dress. He hesitated and was like "This isn't another one of those sleepover schemes, is it?" I honestly got offended. I've gone out with friends recently and he didn't have a problem with it. Why did he feel the need to say it now? It will be almost three years ago when I turn 18 in April. WHY IS HE STILL BRINGING IT UP? I mean, jesus christ! I know I made a mistake! I told him that. I apologized and he's still doing this?

How can I get him to stop?

I need advice about my father. I did something bad over two years ago and he won't leave it alone. Help?
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