How do you know an introvert guy likes you more than a friend?

I known this guy since middle school and now he and i are going to be seniors. I'm complete opposite of him. I'm very loud and energetic like a dog (like he said). He listens to everything i said and when i get jealous he would avoid the females i get jealous of. He would let me wear his shoes and basically annoy him. He always wait for me in my locker and classroom. When i talk dirty to him, he would say i feel uncomfortable or he will become awkward. When i tell him that i like a guy, he would be really distant until i told him im over that guy. His friends always make fun of him for hanging out with me while my friends claim he's my boy toy.
He likes you
He likes you as a friend
He doesn't like you that way
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How do you know an introvert guy likes you more than a friend?
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