Guys - WHY do you like getting under a girl's skin and push her buttons?!

Is it a game? Is it your way of flirting? Do you use it as payback for feeling jealous or being hurt?

for example: A guy always shares something with your or shows you something to the point of it being routine. He was showing someone something on his phone (another girl) and of course she ooohed and ahhed (she throws herself at him and flirts like mad with him in front of me). He always shows me too. Well he got his phone back and I said, “may I see it?” Surprised that he didn’t…. not looking at me, he smiled for a short moment to himself as he looked at it and then said NO. Still smirking, moves it as far away from me as possible. "Um, but you always show me. Please?" He picks it up, at arms length, looking at me with a wicked smile and says "see? My phone. It’s awesome isn't it?" and then puts it back down. Smug and pleased with himself. He did it again a few days later with something else he usually shares with me. Same girl, same thing. Said no, put it far away, evil smile. What am I to think? He use to be super excited to show me stuff or include me, now he is doing this to get under my skin! But WHY?!

Something happened a few days before & I was really upset with him but never talked about it. He seemed really freaked out at the time when I was mad but never asked me about it...just stared at me worried. This behavior started a few days after this. Might it have something to do with that?

Guys - WHY do you like getting under a girl's skin and push her buttons?!
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