Why Girls 'Friendzone' Guys


Why girls 'friendzone' guys

The friendzone. A term that has become popular in recent years. I personally see it all over my media sites, and I normally see guys talking about being friendzoned by a girl that they were perusing. Now, as a girl, I would be lying if I said I'd never done this to someone.

In my opinion, girls friendzone guys for many reasons, but the ones I see the most are mainly due to the fact that the guys are nice! Crazy, right? I always think, 'Well, maybe there is some other reason,' but honestly, I'm wrong. In our generation, I feel that the girls see so much bullshit on social media and on tv that they see that as 'normal'. They see the after school dramas on teen nick and see how a girl dates an asshole and then turns him into a total sweetheart and see how romantic it looks and then they want something like that. Shows and movies romanticize abuse, dare I say?

And so if there is a nice guy who will actually treat a girl right, she doesn't want him. She wants a relationship like she saw on tv. She wants something that's so unrealistic and just totally bonkers that she is going to turn down a guy who is absolutely amazing for some jerk that just wants to get her in bed! And it makes me feel bad for the actual nice guys. You all don't get enough credit. But don't give up hope. I promise you that there will be a girl someday who will treat you the way you deserve.

And another reason I have seen is because the guy isn't 'attractive' enough. Like, what?! Looks SHOULD NOT matter, but that is what our society revolves around! I see girls all the time talking about body positivity and that its what's on the inside that counts, so why don't we follow our advice?! GIRLS! He may not be attractive to other people, or hell, maybe not even to you, but that doesn't matter! Beauty isn't skin-deep. Just because he doesn't look like Zac Efron or Channing Tatum doesn't mean he isn't an amazing guy!

So, all in all, us girls are just as shallow as some guys. We are just as bad about playing you guys as some guys are with us. It's a double standard that society doesn't want to talk about, but we should. But just remember, you're time will come. :) In due time; don't give up.

Why Girls 'Friendzone' Guys
51 Opinion