If a guy tells you his schedule does he want me. to understand his. life?

Guy I like for. months but. only. few. weeks ago. got his. number told. me. his schedule. for. work. I felt bit ignored in beginning but he was busy and would text when he can.

When. i messaged you. ignoring. me. He called saying what did you text me I said you know. He said that. im. ignoring. you but. i am not babe. i am just working.

He called. to say about his hectic work life. One. date was cancelled. due to it. I seen him two weeks. back. an. he. was. so. exhausted he was. laying. on. my. shoulder. We kissed and. cuddled and. it was great to see him. out of. work. hours.

he's a real. honest guy as he is open about everything. I am. understanding now. i wasn't before and would. moan an it. got. to him. as he said. i see not seeing me. gets to you but dont. let it.

We are. taking. things slow. Every. other guy. I've met have always wanted sex quick he said. in time. it. will. happen. An. is never disrespectful. towards me. I guess thats why im shocked he hasnt. tried. to. jump my bones. .

How can. i distract myself when I think. of. him too much.
If a guy tells you his schedule does he want me. to understand his. life?
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