Why are more and more quality guys settling for basic bitches these day?

I'm not understanding something with men today. We have quality guys who basically busted their ass off to become a high status male going for basic bitches in our society.
Why are more and more quality  guys settling for basic bitches these day ?

I'm talking about guys who are making 6 figures, good looking, have a nice place, car and basically their life is on point going for girls who are average in looks. And it's not even about the looks i'm getting at but these girls aren't even that hard to snag, meaning that even college athletes, good looking guy in college, or an ugly guy if she is drunk enough can get her for a night or push to get a relationship.

Why are more and more quality guys settling for basic bitches these day?
So there is like no exclusivity there that would make her really desirable to a man if you know what i'm saying. If a lot of guys in college can get her, then she's pretty easy. You'd think then maybe they have a wonderful personality but from the girl's i know who are in relationships with guys outside of school, they have pretty shitty personality.

I'm talking bitchy behavior, princess complex, gold digger attributes of wanting their man to always please her and carry her to expensive places. Basically a near one sided relationship where a man spoils the shit out of a her and she reciprocates by acting all lovey dovey to him and giving him sex.
Why are more and more quality guys settling for basic bitches these day?
And a lot of these girls don't even have jobs yet or if they do it's shitty jobs that pay poorly. I'm talking like college girls who still live with their parent, in a dorm or working a job that makes 40k/year.
Why are more and more quality guys settling for basic bitches these day?

What I'm getting at is why are guys who basically busted their ass to reach at this point in their life settling for girl like this when much better quality women are available in this world?

A reverse gender role to this would be like a Victoria Secret model deciding to date a good looking/above average college guy, who is broke, and still living in a dorm.

Why are more and more quality guys settling for basic bitches these day?
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