What are short guys supposed to do in life?

Because short guys always get ridiculed for being short like it's nothing that we can do unless society wants us to do height increasing surgery. Especially in dating short guys are screwed because women have a "disney" mentality where the guy has to be 6 feet and the girl has to be small. I understand girls want to be protected but even girls who are 5 feet want a guy who is 6 feet like WTF? Also, short guys can't any kind of leadership position in jobs. Short guys are also easy targets to be picked on because... well... they're short and it hurts our confidence. Me being a short guy myself (5'6) at 19, what should short guys do in life to get what we want without being ridiculed? I feel like there's no hope for short guys. I would like to get married, work at a corporate job, and have confidence but I feel like I can't if media and society portray this "perfect" picture of a tall guy getting all the women, higher-end jobs, and better opportunities better than short guys. What should short guys do? Give up on life?
What are short guys supposed to do in life?
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