Understanding Your Body

Understanding Your Body

Some people have the misconception that the body is the true self, this idea is wrong. The real person is the spirit. The body is like a clothing that covers the spirit, this covering enables the spirit to fulfill its activities on earth. After life here on earth, the body is put aside, or buried to earth, the spirit moves on. The body is like a school uniform, a child puts on a uniform when in school, and life is a school, and after the school the student puts away the uniform.

But for the purpose of this context, I will concentrate on the body while on earth. As a tool for fulfilling our earthly purposes we need to take care of the body. The body survives on food and quality food is very important to the body. If I may paint another picture here, let’s assume the body to be a machine of any sort, machine are driven by fuel, but if we use the wrong fuel, the machine will break down. This same correlation applies to the body, if we eat or take the wrong stuffs, the body will simply break down. The expression “garbage in, garbage out, does not only apply to computer science but it is a generally applicable principle in life. Life gives to us, what we have put in. So wrong foods, will result to wrong output of the body. Quality foods that are helpful to the body are rich in the major classes of nutrients. Natural foods are most helpful to the body than processed or junk foods, so be conscious of what you eat.

Outside quality food, your body needs movement, life does not support stagnation, everything in life is breathing and going through different stages of transformation, most of this transformation are so minute that we cannot see with the ordinary eyes. Movement strengthens the bones, muscles, joints, and helps in circulation of blood and fluids. The need for movement has led people to different forms of exercise like jogging, walking, running, etc.

The body also needs oxygen, and the critical role oxygen plays in the body is that it oxidize food in the process of cellular respiration, thereby releasing energy. Without the body, our desires, wishes, plans, energy, may be wasted, but with proper care of the body we can bring our desires, aspiration, and dreams to life.

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Understanding Your Body
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