Exercise Myths BUSTED!!

Here are some common misconceptions and the truth behind them:


Exercise Myths BUSTED!!

MYTH: Sport drinks are good for you after exercise.

FACT: Only after a workout session of more than 60-90 minutes are sports drinks are good for you. These drinks are just sugary sodium water. They contain more calories than what is good for you, and they'll end up pumping a lot of sugar into your body.


Exercise Myths BUSTED!!

MYTH: Crunches are the key to a flat stomach.

FACT: Crunches are supposed to be the most iconic abdominal exercise around, but they are not actually the best way to slim your midsection. Since they don't burn a lot of calories, they don't result in fat loss. While crunches do tone a small portion of your abs, moves involving your distal trunk which includes your shoulders and butt more effectively engage your entire core.


Exercise Myths BUSTED!!

MYTH: Protein bar and shakes are top notch nutrition.

FACT: Protein bar and shakes are rich in protein but they are high in calories and sugar. Protein bars are like candy bars so they're really not as helpful as you think they are. It is better to get proteins from natural sources like almonds, eggs, oatmeal and broccoli, and only supplement your protein requirements with these bars and shakes.


Exercise Myths BUSTED!!

MYTH: You need to sweat it out for 45 minutes to reap health benefits.

FACT: Half-an-hour or even 10 minutes of exercise a day is enough to boost your cardiovascular health. Studies are pointing to the power of short workouts and some even suggest that high-intensity sessions are better. A minimum of 250 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise a week is required for you to start losing weight.


MYTH: No pain, no gain.

FACT: The pain of burning muscles, caused by the release of lactic acid that is triggered by the activity, is the pain they are talking about when they say "no pain, no gain". If there is any other type of pain (sore muscles, fatigue, joint ache, hurting bones), you are definitely not working out correctly.


Exercise Myths BUSTED!!

MYTH: Weight training makes women bulky.

FACT: This is completely false. The women bodybuilders and models you see with bulky frames are likely on steroids. Hormones play a huge part in making you look and feel bulky. Building heavy muscles requires testosterone coupled with very high intensity weight training regimen over a long period apart from a high-protein diet. As women have lower testosterone levels than men, they are incapable of building a bulky frame.


Exercise Myths BUSTED!!

MYTH: Drinking water during exercise leads to cramps.

FACT: Drinking water during exercise can actually prevent cramps. It's very essential to drink water before, during and after a workout to prevent dehydration which can lead to headache, fatigue, dizziness and cramps. It is true that consuming a large volume of fluid just before starting your workout can make you feel bloated and sluggish. So always make sure to drink water in small volumes two hours prior to your exercise session. This will keep you hydrated.


Exercise Myths BUSTED!!

MYTH: You cannot gain muscles after a certain age.

FACT: Muscle loss is caused not by ageing itself but by lack of activity. The fact is you may always train your muscles regardless of your age, so don't use your age as an excuse to let yourself go. Building muscles as you age can get very challenging. But with proper nutrients and proteins, it is possible. Your body will also respond well provided you do it properly. Not only is muscle gain is possible but it's also very beneficial for older adults as strength training helps increasing bone mass, thus preventing arthritis and other illnesses.

Exercise Myths BUSTED!!
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