Improving Your Appearance: You've Got To Look Fresh!

Women pay an unbelievable amount of attention to the small details in a man's appearance, whether it be flaws or perks.

If you don't keep your hair in check... they'll notice.

If you brush, floss, and use mouthwash... they'll notice.

If you wear the same outfit two days in a row... they'll notice.

If you keep your body hair trimmed and neat... they'll notice.

Get my point?

Women make judgments about you based on these petty details. If you keep every aspect of your appearance in check, it can score you a ton of "bonus points," but if you don't... she probably won't even put you on the scoreboard.

Chances are you don't naturally look like a male model; if you do... congratulations. If you are an average looking guy... you CAN become stunningly attractive looking to women if you keep your appearance 100% all of the time.

It's not about being the best looking guy in the world... it's about looking YOUR best!

Trying to keep your entire appearance top notch and perfectly groomed can overwhelm you if you try to do everything at once. My best tip to handle this is to maintain a constant cycle of self-improvement.

Clip your finger nails when they start to get too long. Get your hair cut BEFORE it gets out of hand. Trim your excess body hair as soon as it becomes too visible... and whenever you think of something new that you can add to your routine that will benefit the way you look, throw it into the mix.

You might not want to believe it, but the truth is that if you are poorly groomed or out of shape, then you are literally cutting your chances with women in half... and these are things that merit no excuse - get them under control.

Lift weights, play sports, or run on a regular basis. You don't need to get cock diesel like a WWF wrestler... just keep yourself in decent shape. It'll make you feel much better as well as improve the way that you look. I've never met a hot girl in my life that preferred an unfit guy to a fit one, so if you don't want the competition to have an advantage on you... get in shape!

The more muscle the better, but don't push yourself too hard... and never, ever take steroids.

Keep improving yourself every day; try to discipline yourself to attend to at least one small detail each day. After a month of this, you will notice a huge change in your appearance, and also the way that women treat you.

Improving Your Appearance: You've Got To Look Fresh!
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