Stomach problems please help!?

ok so this might to much infp but i really need help. Today after lunch i was having really bad stomch problems. From under my boobs to my waist. I pretty much ignored it and took a nap to see if it would help. I woke up in pain and just figured i was having cramps and my period was coming. So i got some toast and and a ib profen. My stomach still was hurting so i sat on the toilet and i went #2. (im sorry if its too much info) my stomch still hurt but then i had to go diarrhea. After that my stomach pain was gone! But can any of you tell me what this might have been. (stomach flu, stomach bug, something i ate etc) and how can i avoid this in the future. And any other tips would help! Thank you. :)
Stomach problems please help!?
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