Does this sound like an eating disorder?

Okay, so I have extreme confidence issues but I tend to fake it. But whenever I see other guys that girls call hot... I look at them and see what they have that I don't. I felt my weight was a good place to start. Currently 5'5" and if I were to estimate I'm probably around 170 pounds. Diet/exercise never worked for me, so I've resorted to laxatives (which are considered dangerous, but not quite as bad as ipecac syrup from what I've heard- and that's what I was going to try and get initially). I took four last night and three today. Everytime I've ate or drank anything, I had to take care of business. I allow myself one big meal a day and maybe one snack. But I already feel so much better after having to use the restroom about 5 times today... I can see where my ribcage used to show when I was skinny and I feel a bit more confident in myself now (even if I still have to fake it). Does this sound like bullimia? That's one someone told me but I guess other opinions couldn't hurt.
Does this sound like an eating disorder?
4 Opinion