How to increase my appetite and gain weight?

I have always had a pretty small appetite. When I was 14 the most I could eat at one sitting was 1 slice of pizza. I have also been very skinny for as long as I can remember. I don't think this is a coincidence. Lately though, my, already small, appetite has been getting smaller. I used to be a couch potato, but for the past month, anywhere from 1-2 times a week I've been playing a game called fugitive. Basically a giant game of tag. It could go on for miles, depending on the route you choose to take, with three rounds usually lasting about 1 1/2 hours each. Ironically, after I started doing this my appetite shrunk exponentially. The most I've eaten in one sitting since a month ago has been the two slices of pizza I had for dinner last night. I have pretty much been skipping breakfast and lunch at school. I have been feeling fine though, physically, mentally and emotionally. I do want to gain some weight though. I am 6 feet and 125 pounds. I have some special circumstances though. I have A LOT of trouble gaining weight, and I can lose weight from doing seemingly nothing. Are there any special diets I should take if I want to gain wight?

*NOTE* I think I have a small stomach, as I am a snacker, and always eating something small, like chips, sunflower seeds and other random snack. I also have problems maintaining my blood sugar. I think this has something to do with how I eat also.
How to increase my appetite and gain weight?
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