What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion

What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion

I actually thought of writing this one a while back but decided not to. Since its October I thought I would.

The Scenario

Now because every single 'scientific' explanation for zombies is filled with bad science. I'm saying fuck it. A bunch of idiots opened up the book of the dead and read aloud. Now Zombies have invaded the earth. You are in a group of people who banded together to survive, hunt, and gather and maybe rebuild civilization. I will go over the IDEAL gear, some of these would be near impossible to find.

What you'd want every member of the group to carry.

What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion

1. A .22 Caliber Handgun, preferably a revolver since they don't jam. You'd want it since the ammo is easy to acquire as its the most common, and after a year or two where someone would have set up a settlement. It'd be easiest to manufacture.

2. Three outfits of hiking clothes

What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion

Long sturdy pants, A sturdy shirt. wool socks. and a pair of boots This will keep you warm and it will require less patching long term

3. A Wide Brimmed Hat, I.E a cowboy hat, A Fedora (NOT A TRILBY)

What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion

Summer, Spring, and Fall you will need to keep the sun off of your face and neck.

4. Winter Gear

What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion

Coat, Hat, Gloves. It will get cold in the winter and you'll still need to hunt and gather.

5. A Cutlass

What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion

Now I've thought a while for what the ideal melee weapon would be in a zombie invasion. Its the Cutlass, You'd want some reach, so a knife is out of the question. You'd want it to be sturdy and have survival use and a cutlass is an effective way to cut through ropes and things. A cutlass is a good solid sword.

6. A hiking Backpack

What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion

7. Flint and Steel

What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion

You'll need to be able to keep warm

8. A Multi-tool

A whole lot of uses and it will help a fuckload.

9. Three waterbottles

What you'd want at least two people in the group to have

1. A Medical Kit

What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion

You will need first aid at some point and having two in the group will probably save a life.

2. A Submachine-gun

What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion

If attacked you'd want two people to be able to lay down supressing fire on these demonic zombie things.

3. A Semi-automatic Hunting Rifle

What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion

You are going to need to be able to hunt A semi-auto rifle will let you hunt at mid range.

4. A woodcutters axe and a hatchet

What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion

You'll need to be able to chop wood.

5. A survival Knife

What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion

6. Rope

Has a billion uses and you will probably need it.

7. Fishing Wire

8. Fishing Rods

9. Camping Cookware

What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion

You'll need to cook the food and boil water to make it drinkable.

10 Lockpicks

What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion

You'll want to get passed a locked door sometime.

11. Binoculars

What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion

It will make things easier.

12. A shotgun

What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion


What You'd Want - and Need - to Survive a Zombie Invasion
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