Why I, And a Lot of Men, Will Probably Never Get a Girlfriend

Why I, And a Lot of Men, Will Probably Never Get a Girlfriend
Women are a very important aspect of making this world go round. They give birth to our children and they keep us men happy, but a lot of women are hard to get. It's like a game. Whoever gets the girl wins and some men have advantages over others like looks, money, status, personality, etc. Here is why I, and a lot of other men out there, will have trouble attracting women. WARNING: This is a rant in which I am going to be saying negative things about women. Keep in mind that I don't hate women and this is what I've seen based off my experiences and other men's experiences.

1. Women like to play games

I've seen it time and time again. Women would lead a guy on for her own pleasure. Even though some women don't do this a majority of them do. They will lead a guy on, whether that be flirting or other types of leads, and then cut him off like it's nothing. Girls, It's not cute, it's super irritating and frustrating.

2. Women call anyone who approaches them and tries to meet them a "creep"

This is extremely ridiculous. I've heard women say all the time "Yeah this guy tried to approach me and get my number, he's such a creep". So if a guy thinks you're pretty and he get the balls to go and approach you and tries to meet you, you're going to call him a creep and a pedo? That is absurd! Every girl now a days thinks that every guy that tries to talk to them is going to rape them which is fucking ridiculous. I understand if you give him the time of day and you reject him and he still persists, that's a creep.

Why I, And a Lot of Men, Will Probably Never Get a Girlfriend

But the guys who approach you just to talk to you and the first thing that comes to your mind is "He's a creep", that's annoying and false. I hate it when women reject a guy right off the bat because they find him creepy. For all you know he could be an amazing guy. Also, girls will make fun of an awkward guy if he approaches her awkwardly. Ladies, just because he's awkward with his approach and has the balls to go up and ask you out knowing that he's a shy individual doesn't give you the right to label him as "weird" or "a pedo".

3. Women are very picky

I know that men can be very picky too, but from my experiences women tend to be more picky. Especially from ages ranging from about 13-25. Most women have the same type; a guy who is pretty muscular and weighs about 180 pounds so they can hug and snuggle with them more comfortably, about six foot, and bad ass (I'll talk about this more in my next point). I know girls in the comments section will say "But all guys want is blondes with big boobs and a big ass" True, but men are suppose to approach women and so the pickiness shows more on the women's side than the men's.

4. Women want a "bad ass"

Gentlemen, a little word of advice, never trust a girl when she says that she loves "nice guys" because in reality, nice guys 99% of the time finish last. I never trust any women who tells me that they love nice guys because it is complete and utter bullshit. Here's why, women want a guy who has a sort of risk-taking personality (aka a bad ass), someone who likes to bend/break the rules. They don't want someone who will always treat them right and treat them like a queen, because that's too boring for them.

Why I, And a Lot of Men, Will Probably Never Get a Girlfriend

Hollywood has brainwashed these girls into thinking that they can turn this handsome bad ass into a nice guy (which 99% of the time won't happen). There is no challenge if the guy is already nice to begin with. Hollywood has also made it so that these bad asses will always look like a Calvin Klein underwear model and that these nice guys will always look like dorks, so this point I kinda blame both parties at fault. Women and Hollywood.

5. Women want to take control of a guy

This point kinda ties into my last point where I said that women want to turn a bad ass into a nice guy. Women want to take control of the guy and bend him to her desires. It could range from her making him change a few things to making him change his whole lifestyle. I see it happen all the time. Women are controlling and will most likely take control in the relationship and even control the man that she's dating. Once they take control, they are going to keep him until they find a better victim to control.


Again I don't hate women. I just find it stupid that women do these thing. I'm 17 years old if you guys are wondering and no that doesn't change my point of view of women. I've seen this happen to grown men too. Also I want you guys to know that I know some women don't do any of these and I wish there were more women like that. It would make the world less depressing. Please feel free to leave a comment whether you agree or disagree, i'ma be reading them all. I don't care if you leave hate, it's the internet after all.

Why I, And a Lot of Men, Will Probably Never Get a Girlfriend
Post Opinion