If something seems totally perfect. Its probably not

If something seems totally perfect. Its probably not

If something is totally perfect. Its probably not. With relationships. Something may seem to go fine, but there is always a dark thing, lurking in the corner, just to mess you up.

I met someone during Thanksgiving. It was the beginning of a perfect relationship. The day of Thanksgiving was the start of something wonderful. Christmas and New Years came around. 1 week before Valentines Day. The brakes came...

If something seems totally perfect. Its probably not
If something seems totally perfect. Its probably not

For 72 days I stood by you, through your depression, through you drinking binges.

For 72 days I stood by you, helping you look for work here but you didn't want to.

For 72 days you said "Im a really nice guy"

You said your bother is getting married and I asked you "can we meet" You said "if we are still talking" I dont think you had any intention of meeting me, or anything. I bought you that coveted item which is so hard to find. That coveted item which you started the petition for that store to do it again in the memory of your mom. And It was the last year they were giving it and I found you that to help you with your collection.

I gave you a piece of my heart and you did that. I spent countless of sleepless hours to stay up. I fought to stay up to talk to you, when my day was shit, and you do that to me.

With all the hell I deal with everyday, with all the bullying I get, coming home and talking to you made it all better and you take that away from me.

If something seems totally perfect. Its probably not

I shared my entire life story with you from everyone hurting me and you told me you wouldn't do that. You blame your past. Did I blame my past? was I bitter with you. You ran clear across the country because you wanted to avoid your ex, and what happened. He contacted you and everything we had shattered!

I can't stand Thanksgiving now because of you..

I can't stand Christmas now because of you..

I hate New Years now. Because of you..

I hate my snowglobe collection now... Because of you..

Everything I loved in my life. My safe zone.

If something seems totally perfect. Its probably not

I use to love Thanksgiving and after. To put up those globes. Which I always loved going to that store for them on Black Friday. I use to love Christmas. I can't listen to our song anymore without crying. I wish I did meet your brother, regardless if I was sick. I should of made an attempt. At least I know I would of had some fighting chance. But I dont.

I am going back to my shell. I promised myself once I turn 40,if this happens to me again. Im not gonna love again. And I am keeping that promise. I am not going to be with anyone. My ship has sailed.

If something seems totally perfect. Its probably not
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