My girlfriend lied about her age, but I still love her. What should I do (please read before answering)?

I've been with my girlfriend for four months and she's amazing, we love each other so much, and we're really just so compatible in every way. She's my first genuine girlfriend. I'm 20 and for the four months we've been together, she has told me she was 17. The age of consent in my state is 16.

She recently came clean, and told me in truth she was 15, not 17. I'm not sure what to do. It's hurting me and she's scared that I'll leave her. We already love each other and are together, I don't think it's fair to make it black and white. While I do see breaking up as an option, I'd at least want to try and work things out first as any good couple would.

I am not a predator. Had I known she was 15 when I met her, I wouldn't have let things go this far, yet here we are. I would never actively seek out someone significantly younger than me, and would have no interest to do so. But in this case I felt for so long that she was just as mature as me, under the impression she was 17. I don't want to leave her after she came to me in tears confessing her true age. And I really do love her, this doesn't magically change who she is as a person. Her parents totally support our relationship, then again I'm not sure if she lied to her parents about my age as well, I'll talk to her about this too.

The big reason why age gaps are socially condemned is because it means the younger person can get hurt or taken advantage of. But this is not a predatory relationship, for these four months we've genuinely loved each other. I would never hurt her or manipulate her. If the love is honest, and genuine, can she still get hurt in that kind of way? I need to know this.

The age of consent in our area is 16. I will absolutely refrain from anything sexual with her from here on out until she is 16 (four months from now). Whatever it takes to make this relationship work. Even if the age of consent was 18, I'd cease and desist until she was that age. I'm willing to wait.
My girlfriend lied about her age, but I still love her. What should I do (please read before answering)?
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