Does my best guy friend really love me?

My best guy friend and I have been through everything. We've both had a really rough past and everything and we've helped each other through everything. We've gotten pretty close to each other, but I've always gotten boyfriends or fwbs while he's stayed single. He was there for me through my most recent breakup, and we'd kinda been fwbs before actually. So one night he calls me and tells me he's depressed. I ask him why and he tells me because he wishes I was with him because he wants me there, and started saying he loved me and everything. Just all this really sweet stuff. And I told him everything back. He just kept saying how much he needs me with him and wants me to spend time with him. He got really really romantic too which is nothing like him. He used to just say love you and now he says I love you all the time to me. Granted we have been sexual as well, but it's all really like sweet and romantic, and he said he loves the thought just kissing me and being with me but wants to have passionate sex with me too after I told him I want sex and just to do all that romantic stuff with him too. We have exchanged pics back and forth too and we talk about sex but it's more than that. He is always there for me, and I am always there for him. He texts me all the time, morning, afternoon, evening, and night. About everything. He even asked me to move to where he is to be with him. Do you think he really loves me or just trying to get in my pants? He already knows I'll have sex with him so I don't know why he'd say that sweet stuff to me if he didn't mean it.
Does my best guy friend really love me?
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