Boyfriend that I live with stayed the night at a friend's house last night for the first time in three years?

So yesterday, after I got off of work, my boyfriend and I spent some time together and he was being super sweet alllllll day. Until, his friend came over and announced that they were going to be staying the night at his house. Now me and my boyfriend have lived together for about 2 years all together, and he has NEVER stayed the night anywhere else. I'm freaking out. We were doing great, and then he decides to take a night to "Skyrim it up". Now, the friend he stayed the night with also has a girlfriend. I'm basically trying to figure out if he did this to try and save us in a way or if he really just wanted to be away from me, this just isn't like him. He didn't text me at all except at midnight to say, "B I'm just going to pass out here I love you" -exact text message.

Now, I didn't reply. I figured if I didn't have anything nice to say, I wouldn't say anything at all. And I really don't know if that was the best thing to do or not, but he never tried getting ahold of me the whole night we were apart. Just sent that and I never heard from him again. I got up and went to work this morning, so I won't see him until I get off at 2 today, unless of course he is still gone or something.

How should I act when I get home? And why did he do this? I'm so confused, and I don't know how to take all of
Boyfriend that I live with stayed the night at a friend's house last night for the first time in three years?
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