One night at the hotel?


Here’s the story. Ages: boy (JP) and girl (Ali) both 20 and have been together for 4 years. Ali told boyfriend she was going out with a her girlfriend (and her girlfriends boyfriend) but didn’t say where as she didn’t know for sure. JP was asked to go but didn’t want to go as JP had plans to hang with the fellas. Both JP and Ali were okay with Ali still going out to hang with her friend (neither was mad).

Next day, girl tells her boyfriend when asked who all went out last night? Ali tells JP it was my girlfriend and her boyfriend Robby (JP knows of her Robby but not well as they just been together for a week) and another guy (let’s call him Kevin, which is Robby’s best friend) So it was actually 4 people in total. She said they went out to eat and then to a small party, then they went to at a hotel (all lived with parents) to drink.
Ali said she was okay to go to hotel so they can drink but didn’t want to stay the night.
JP started cursing and going off. Asked, “Did you stay the night, did you have sex with that guy.”

Ali started crying instantly as she knew JP would get mad. Ali responded crying with tears “Yes, nothing happen and I am so sorry, everyone just fell asleep.” JP started cursing and going off more. Ali tried to change to the story and said she didn’t stay the night after JP said we are done. After JP told her she’s lying and you better tell the truth. Ali went back to her first story, we all stayed in the hotel and drink but nothing happen with the other guy as we all fell asleep.
Ali has never gave any indication of cheating prior. Do you think anything happen sexually?

One night at the hotel?
2 Opinion