Happy Birthday Finland!

Happy Birthday Finland!

Happy Birthday Finland!

Happy Birthday Finland!

Yayyyyyy! It's the Independence day of FINLAND <3

Okay, so next I'm gonna share some information in Finland's pov:

The movement for Finland's independence started after the revolutions in Russia, caused by disturbances inside Russia from hardships connected to the First World War. This gave Finland an opportunity to withdraw from Russian rule. After several disagreements between the non-socialists and the social-democrats over who should have the power in Finland, on 4 December 1917, the Senate of Finland, led by Pehr Evind Svinhufvud, finally made a Declaration of Independence which was adopted by the Finnish parliament two days later.

Independence Day was first celebrated in 1917. However, during the first years of independence, 6 December in some parts of Finland was only a minor holiday compared to 16 May, the Whites' day of celebration for prevailing in the Finnish Civil War. (thank you Wikipedia, I couldn't have explained this without you <3 ) But anyways. Being independent, means a lot to Finns. I feel we deserve being independent country, we were first part of Sweden from the 13th century to 1809 and then about 100 years part of Soviet Union (Now known as Russia). As we came independent, Soviet Union still took 10% of Finland. During the Second World War, Finland fought twice against the Soviet Union and defended its independence, though in the 1947 peace settlement, it ended up ceding a large part of Karelia and some other areas to the Soviet Union. However, Finland remained an independent democracy in North Europe. My grandfather was in war against the Soviet Union. He's now 94 year old veteran and has about 10 medals. I'm very proud of him.

Anyways, I am very proud of being Finnish and I wouldn't change that. Finland is now 98 year old and I'm celebrating that <3. In few days will also be the 150th birthday of Jean Sibelius who is very famous in Finland.

Anthem of Finland, in Finnish and Swedish with English lyrics

and now some funny things about Finnish and being Finn...

Happy Birthday Finland!

Happy Birthday Finland!

Happy Birthday Finland!

lol... Thank you so much for reading this MyTake <3 Comment!

@Star_Lord @TheFlak36 @sexyphil @Paris13 @FinnishShyGirl @Yumix @Ashely_Princess @hotstuffSRD @dogbert444 @CHARismatic110 @unforgiven90 @Maxemeister @Rocky96 @dangerDoge @Humping_Tornadoes soooo... I just felt like sharing this with you guys...

<3 Love <3


Happy Birthday Finland!
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