3 Reasons Why Ronald Reagan Was an Absolutely Terrible President

3 Reasons that Ronald Reagan was a absolutely terrible president.

In today's political landscape some conservatives not only like Ronald Reagan but consider him to be an absolutely phenomenal president. Newsflash, HE WASN'T.

1. Unemployment Rates, People act like Reagan Created Jobs

He didn't, in fact he did some serious damage to the economy. This is especially evident in the 1980s recession, People act like unemployment is at its highest rates since the great depression. When that's actually wrong. The highest national unemployment rate since the great depression was in 1982 10.8% and as of 2015 is still the highest rate since the 1930s (https://www.miseryindex.us/indexbymonth.aspx)

3 Reasons Why Ronald Reagan Was an Absolutely Terrible President

2. Gave funding and weapons to would now become Al Queda

Yes the Reagan ended up creating the group that Hardcore conservatives are willing to use extreme force across an entire region to stop, all while somehow remaining the idol of those hardcore conservatives. Just to hammer this home, HERE IS A PICTURE OF REAGAN IN THE OVAL OFFICE WITH THE FUCKING MUJAHIDEEN

3 Reasons Why Ronald Reagan Was an Absolutely Terrible President

3. Iran Contra

3 Reasons Why Ronald Reagan Was an Absolutely Terrible President

3 Reasons Why Ronald Reagan Was an Absolutely Terrible President

Yes, all these people who idolize ronald reagan and bitch and moan about the iran deal seem to forget that Reagan Actually gave them fucking weapons For.... Reasons.

Not only that the way that Reagan did this, he did not seek congressional approval WHICH IS FUCKING HIGH TREASON. RONALD REAGAN WAS A FUCKING TRAITOR. This Man, this ineffective slimy cowardly president committed an act of High Treason which I may remind you IS A CAPITAL CRIME.

3 Reasons Why Ronald Reagan Was an Absolutely Terrible President
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